As 2016 Winds Down

Upcoming Events

Donut miss our board meeting

Don't forget to attend our monthly board meeting!  It would hurt our fillings.  We will be discuss plans for our upcoming 47th Annual Convention - Eclair De La Lune in September.


National Pastry Day

National Pastry Day is celebrated each year on December 9.  Pastry is a name given to a large variety of various baked goods which are typically made up of ingredients such as flour, sugar, milk, butter, shortening, baking powder, and eggs.


47th Annual Convention - Eclair De La Lune
Put your baking caps on ladies and gents.  It's time for our annual Pastry Chefs convention!  Sign up for courses today!

Let's Get Saucey

by Lisa Vickers defines sauce as:

1.  any preparation, usually liquid or semiliquid, eaten as a gravy or as a relish ccompanying food.
2.  stewed fruit, often puréed and served as an accompaniment to meat, dessert, or other food: cranberry sauce.
3.  something that adds piquance or zest.
4.  Informal. impertinence; sauciness.
5.  Slang. hard liquor (usually preceded by the):  He's on the sauce again.
6.  Archaic. garden vegetables eaten with meat.

Welcome Our New Members!

Croissants and Crust Pastry Shop
Jane Croissant
Join Date: 11/01/2016

Mr. Senator
Join Date: 11/12/2016

Vieth Consulting
Charlie Vickers
Join Date: 11/13/2016

Community Post

Lisa Vickers

Let your members submit non-association events they would like included here.  You can easily include them in your next newsletter.

Puff Pastry News - As 2016 Winds Down